By Nader Sabry|2021-01-11T11:02:59+04:00April 14th, 2020|0 Comments
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examples of growth hacking?
Alright, so let’s get started. What are the best examples? So the first thing is that I want to explain to you that growth hacking is not exclusive to technology. Technology companies have been some of the best companies to exploit growth hacking, but they’re not the only ones.
Traditional and technology examples
So I’m going to give you three traditional examples. I’m going to give you some three new school examples of technology companies who’ve done this. And so you can see a spectrum of examples of how this works. so it hopefully helps you hone into what are some great examples of this happening. Now, number one, McDonald’s. I love McDonald’s are awesome. Awesome, awesome stuff. All right, so roughly 50 years ago, a growth hack that McDonald’s had implemented, they started building their own billboards, right? So keyword here is building their own billboards and the growth hack was that they put it on busy freeways on exits right before one of their restaurants would be available in roughly one to three kilometers. Reason being, they want to get you hungry with that beautiful BigMac picture and help you take action on it within one to three kilometers because guess what?
McDonalds drive thru and Kodak growth hack
You can just drive right through. That’s actually how they built their drive through business. Amazing, right? The next one is Kodak, right? Kodak is one of these super scaled companies of its time. So one of the, they implemented actually several growth hacks, but one of my favorites is the disposable camera. So the you’d pay once you get a camera with the film and the production costs all in one. But the beauty of it is that these cameras would be available in convenient places that you’d want to take pictures that you would have probably forgotten to take your camera. And remember those were days when we didn’t have mobiles with cameras on them, right? Very different times. So they would put them in places like tourist attractions, like right at the entrance we were like, Oh my God, I ran out of film or I forgot to bring my camera or I need another camera or whatever the case may be.
FedEx Growth Hack
They hit you up in the right places, right? The next one is FedEx. So it used to be called federal express. When they actually pulled this off, they focus on optimizing their supply chain so that they can do overnight delivery. And that’s how they became known as the, the, the logistics. Somebody who would just do overnight delivery and they open up the whole express business because of this growth hack. And that’s why they shortened their name from federal express to FedEx. Right. So that’s a traditional example. So let me give you some newer ones. So Dropbox is a very famous one. Their biggest growth hack is their ability to get their customers to do more referrals them. Um, it’s a lot more sophisticated and deeper than that. I’m just keeping it as simple as possible. But they built a sales force using their customers who can bring in a credible, profitable customers for them.
Airbnb vs Craigslist
And the second is Airbnb. Another classic, uh, they basically tapped into Craigslist, which was a listing service. So when they didn’t have the volume to get people to go to their properties, they would then automatically list them into Craigslist and drive the traffic straight to them. And they were essentially lifting the traffic from Craigslist. Brilliant growth hack YouTube. So I don’t know if you know this, but YouTube used to be a data video dating service to start with, and then they pivoted into video hosting. And finally what we see today, but there biggest growth hack prior to video. Now this is the strange part because we got so used to it. We didn’t even think this is an impossibility, but videos were not shareable. That is, that is the biggest growth hack they’ve done. They are the ones that made them embeddable both through several places.
The growth dilemma
The the, that’s what they mastered. That’s how they grew. That’s the growth hack that they did. Now it doesn’t matter if you’re a traditional tech company, but technology is central to what you do. The reason being is that it accelerates what you’re doing at low cost and low resources. So if you recall when we talked about the growth dilemma earlier when I talked about what is growth hacking, so you might want to go back to that video we talked about the idea that you didn’t, you would not have enough resources to reach the growth goal. And so that would be the growth dilemma. And on the way to solve that dilemma is growth hacking, which are using less resources to get more out of what you’re doing to get disproportionate results, right? So tech is at the center of that. All right, so head downstairs to the comments.
Back to you growth hackers
I’d like to know from you, do you have some good examples that you would like to share about growth hacking? When you comment, please put the hashtag growth hacking. I’d love to get other people in the growth hacking community involved in the conversation who can help us drive more of this great content. Now we’ve come to the end of the video and like I promised you, I have a a hundred dollars bonus. This is my level one growth Ninja certification program. It is a available for you for watching this video. You go down to the description, there will be a link with instructions on how to pull it off and unveil this. I do want to let you know though, this is for a limited time and a limited quantity by you’re going to love it. You’re going to become one of my growth ninjas, and one of the things that I’m out to do is to build a community of growth ninjas all around the world. I’d love you to be part of that. So best of luck with your growth hacks. I will see you in the next video.
“Ready Set Growth Hack:
A beginners guide to growth hacking success”
Learn more about the author Nader Sabry
newly launched book by author Nader Sabry about growth hacking design methodology available in ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audio on popular platforms like and Google Books / Google Play and Apple.
Learn more today by visiting
This new methodology has been used by thousands of the top growth hackers globally, helping supercharge the growth of their own organizations and their clients achieve super-growth results not achievable by many organizations. Growth thinking is a fast, easy, and simple way to prototype growth hacks. This enables growth by visualizing a growth hack in abstract and then detailing them into a systematic approach. This makes it easy to develop and improve growth hacks and generate new, better growth hacks.
Get started today with several support resources, including quick start, getting started, and advanced training online courses to help you supercharge your organizations’ growth whether your is a startup, a Fortune 500, a government, or the next big unicorn.
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